Pawpaw Gallery

Pawpaw Gallery
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Festivals and Farmer’s Markets

"Our booth at the Ohio Pawpaw Festival"

"Europe Croatia farmers market"

"our booth up close"

"JFX Farmers Market in Baltimore"

"counting buds on scions"

"Kate Goodrich collecting data on floral scents"

"scale to weigh fruit & seeds"

"The North Carolina Festival"

"Hubert Siegler of the Bavarian Wine and Fruit Research"

"Shennandoah X A. incana hybrid"

"snow on the pawpaw blooms"
Orchards & Nurseries

"good growing conditions - Roy Stark, Texas"

"Forrest Keeling labeling of pawpaws"

"Forrest Keeling Nursery - close up of the root system"

"Jim and Donna Davis orchard"

"Jim Davis picking pawpaws"
Natural History

"wild pawpaws"

"autumn color at its best - by Bass Samman"

"Indigenous Names for Pawpaw"

"Yellow-billed Cuckoo (by John James Audubon)"

"water tower, Paw Paw, Michigan"

"cherimoya - a cousin to pawpaw"

"Paw Paw Bends of the Potomac River, by Jennifer Michalski"